sustainable .org

A Brazilian Hub for investments in Positive Impact initiatives

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*Impact investments are those that generate measurable positive social and environmental impact, in addition to providing financial returns.


We are a commercial and investment attraction engine.

We are a commercial and investment attraction engine.

We are a commercial and investment attraction engine.

We are a commercial and investment attraction engine.

BIO⁵⁵ is committed to developing a global community of eco-conscious investments that generate positive social and environmental impact.
Creating a prosperous and interconnected ecosystem that contributes to a sustainable world.
Our values are: Integrity, Sustainability, Innovation, Collaboration, and Social Responsibility.

Business model

What we do?
  • Interface for partnerships between positive impact (sustainable) initiatives and investor companies;
  • Qualification of projects/products/initiatives for accessing investments;
  • We offer the BIO⁵⁵ quality seal for projects;
  • We work on transitioning from social projects to social enterprises, with defined results and objectives. From charity to sustainable business.
  • We are a commercial engine and investment facilitator for impact initiatives, primarily those in the early stage - Seed stage.
Percentage-based compensation on sales and fundraising serves as a catalyst for developing new businesses.
• 50% of these percentages are reinvested in other impactful initiatives.


See the advantages of BIO⁵⁵ for Investors and early-stage companies receiving investments (Seeds).
Multiple investment fronts
in specific Sustainable Development Goals (ESG reports).
BIO⁵⁵ Seal
as a joint signature of committed companies;
Building reputation
and approaching desired populations and markets;
Brand value
Gain, recognition, reputation, loyalty, and perception of quality;
Team engagement and talent attraction;
to invested projects - opportunity for participation in consultations;
with the context in which they operate;
Return on actions
Accountability with results;
of social responsibility (investment);
Private call
for proposals with selection and custom project development.
Attracting investors
and opportunities across various sectors: Private, Public-Private, Public, National or International Funds.
and access to large companies and strategic partnerships.
Exploration of potentials
(Qualification with strategic consultations).
Offering Smart Money
in the form of experience and knowledge.
for expanding impact.

Evaluation and Selection of Projects

New participants in the Projects Hub will undergo a structured evaluation process based on sustainability pillars supported by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Check the list of pillars below, along with their descriptions:
Environmental [Mandatory]
Evaluation of CO2 emissions reduction, water consumption reduction, waste reduction, and use of renewable energy.
Evaluation of the business model and proper management of environmental resources to ensure economic sustainability.
Consideration of social responsibility practices and impact on local communities.
Analysis of innovation and technological advancements proposed by the initiative.













The 17 UN SDGs

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are ambitious and interconnected, addressing the key development challenges faced by people in Brazil and around the world.
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals

Os 17 ODS da ONU

Os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável das nações unidas são ambiciosos e interconectados abordando os principais desafios de desenvolvimento enfrentados por pessoas no Brasil e no mundo.
Acabar com a pobreza,
1. Erradicação da pobreza
2. Fome zero
3. Saúde e bem-estar
4. Educação de qualidade
5. Igualdade de gênero
6. Água potável e saneamento
7. Energia limpa acessível
Proteger meio ambiente e o clima e
8. Trabalho descente e crescimento econômico
9. Industria, inovação e infraestrutura
10. Redução de desigualdades
11. Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
12. Consumo e produção responsáveis
Paz e prosperidade para todos.
13. Ação contra a mudança global do clima
14. Vida na água
15. Vida terrestre
16. Paz, justiça e instituições eficazes
17. Parcerias e meios de implementação

Areas of operation

Identified areas
Health and Cosmetics
Mapped initiatives
  • Disposal/Treatment of industrial waste;
  • Developers of sustainable raw materials - for various markets with ethical production practices;
  • Developers focused on water, with innovative solutions for the cleaning, conservation, and reuse of water resources;
  • Health and cosmetics;
  • Specialized in clean and renewable energy, with sustainable technologies for generation in remote regions.

Our journey

The path we have traced so far highlights who we are and what we seek.

With a solid history in Incentive Laws, we were born with a focus on environmental sustainability;


We began structuring ourselves to pivot towards investing in the qualification of early-stage sustainable initiatives;

Greatest challenges

We bring positive impact initiatives closer to the market and work to make them economically viable. The focus is on ESG challenges in broad impact initiatives, with an environmental direction (planet) without sacrificing people (especially the poorest and most vulnerable), prosperity, and including peace and partnerships as pillars - following the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

*SDGs are Sustainable Development Goals. They are 17 ambitious and interconnected goals that address the key development challenges faced by people in Brazil and around the world.

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